Thursday, May 24, 2012

The End To 'The Cola Dog'

'The Cola Dog' blog has come to an end. It's not that I haven't enjoyed working on the blog, but it just hasn't been getting the views to warrant getting the weekly attention it has been getting from me. And really maintaining 3 weekly blogs while holding a full time job (and having worked over 300 overtime hours so far in 2012) is just a bit much, so I decided to let go of 'The Cola Dog'. But you need not worry I still intend to write blogs about comic books and animation from time to time, and those blogs can be found on my 'Random Nerdness' blog. So if this is your first time checking out 'The Cola Dog' blog be sure to check out my otherblogs:
(A blog about anything and everything, especially stuff in the Sci-fi/fantasy/comic books/television/movie/beer/books realm)

(A blog devoted to the world of Star Trek) 

I have something else I intend to branch into, another form of multi-media, but I cannot say anything at this time. Look for an announcement this summer or fall (hopefully). Anywho if you are a reader of 'The Cola Dog' or have checked it out in the past allow me to say "Thank you". It has been a fun experience. See you on the other blogs!

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