Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Blog #16: Side Kicks, Death and Captain Marvel

- My favourite super-hero sidekick is Rick Jones, as I had previously mentioned all the way back in The Cola Dog Blog #1.  Now in current Marvel he can turn into a Hulk-like creature called A-bomb but back in the day he was just a normal dude who hung out with super heroes. For a while he trained with Captain America and was his side kick, but most of his side kicking career was with the Hulk. I liked him because he was funny, hip and just a normal human with no powers just martial arts training. He was also indirectly responsible for Bruce Banner turning into the Hulk.

- Captain America's sidekick Bucky should have stayed dead. His death meant something and they ruined it by bringing him back and creating all this unneeded back story that is currently seen in Marvel. And speaking of side kicks who die Batman's side kick Jasen Todd should have stayed dead too. And on the subject of death when Aunt May died in the Spider-Man books it was a touching sequence, then again they ruined it by bringing her back.

- Although not a sidekick 'Captain Marvel' did have a few side kicks too. He is one character I've always liked but has never got the proper treatment.  Captain Marvel deserves his own title because I did like the series 'Power of Shazam' in the 90's, but since then the character just hasn't been used as he should have been. But recently Geoff Johns brought him back in the New 52 as a back up story in Justice League. I think the reason why he doesn't seem to fit in is because he wasn't actually part of the DC Universe for years and was acquired years later. Marvel was actually in competition with Superman back in the 40's and 50's. I don't mind having them in the same universe, it is neat to see Marvel and Superman fight. Superman has more powers to call upon but he is vulnerable to magic, which gives Marvel his powers. They had an awesome battle in 'Kingdom Come'. Looking forward to that and further adventures from CM!
See you next week!

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