Sunday, April 15, 2012

Blog #14: Comic Pull List Review

- Star Trek: This ongoing series from IDW follows the adventures of Kirk and crew from the 2009 JJ Abrams 'Star Trek' film. The issues I have read so far are OK, but they are not original tales. They have taken plot-lines from episodes of 'Star Trek: The Original Series' are put them into comic book form with the 'new' crew putting their own spin on it. The art is good and the covers are awesome. From what I have heard they are going to be doing their own original stories for future issues. I am looking forward to those.
- Moon Knight: I didn't know too much about this character prior to this recent series but I am very much enjoying this series. Too bad that it has apparently been cancelled as of issue 12.
SupercrooksThis week I read the first issue of 'Supercrooks' by Mark Millar, Story was good and the art was great. Check out this book! I love to read tales of super villains, and as the title suggests the main characters are not 'good guys'. 

- Superman: I wanted to like this title after they announced it with the relaunch of the 'New 52', especially that George Perez would be writing this book. The art is OK, but the story kinda sucks. Very wordy and the villains so far have been less than interesting to me. But a new creative team is debuting I believe with issue 7 so hopefully things will turn around for this Superman title.
- Justice League Dark: I have never been a big fan of the supernatural elements of the DCU, but this title had 'Justice League' in it so I had to try it out. And by golly I am actually loving this title. Story is good and the art is fantastic. A definite monthly must read for me.

- Avengers VS X-Men: Not sure what to expect with this title, wreaks of 'Been There, Done That', but I've decided to give this series a try. Guarantee a main character will die, only to return 6 months later...
And that is all for now. Talk to you soon! 

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