Thursday, March 01, 2012

Blog #8: Robert Kirkman's Work

Fall 2010 I was introduced to a new television series called 'The Walking Dead', which i had heard was based on a comic book about zombies. I'll admit that I had never heard of that comic series as I had taken a break from comic books from 2002-fall 2010. My Wife is a fan of the horror genre and this series gave us the perfect opportunity to watch a series together, and we were hooked after watching the first episode. After watching the first season and getting back into comic book reading full time I decided to check out the works of Robert Kirkman, and he has since become one of my favourite comic book writers of all time.
After to listening to an episode of the podcast 'Comic Geek Speak' on an episode about the comic series 'Invincible' which was created and written by Robert Kirkman. From what I heard I was convinced  to give this series a try and like the TV series 'The Walking Dead' I was hooked from the start. 'Invincible' has become my favourite comic to read right now. I liked it so much i went out and bought the 'Ultimate' hard cover editions just so I could proudly display them on my book shelf. Also the 'Ultimate' format is packed with extras and the paper and colours is amazing.
With the second part of 'The Walking Dead' season 2 having just premiered I decided to check out the first trade of the comic book series. And not to sound like a broken record but I was hooked once again, and I have ordered the Compendium of the first 48 issues so I can read a bulk of the series in one shot. What makes Kirkman such a great writer for me is that he speaks to me. I find his characters and method of storytelling engaging and a breath of fresh air in the comic book writing world.
However he does have some stuff that i am not a fan of. Last fall I decided to try 'Infinite', his newest Image title with Rob Liefeld as artist and Kirkman as Writer. I found the story interesting and I had no real issue with Kirkman's writing, it was Liefeld who ruined this series for me. Liefeld may have been an Image founder and a force in the early 90's, but he is a terrible artist in my opinion. Which is too bad for Kirkman because he seems to have great luck with working with great artists on his projects, but Liefeld's work on 'Infinite' was absolutely terrible.
But if you are looking for some good comic books to read I highly recommend reading 'Invincible' and 'The Walking Dead' by Writer Robert Kirkman. Also check out 'The Walking Dead' TV series on AMC, and the first season is available on Netflix.
Till next time!

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